Atrofované Ruce - Sokol Křemže    15 - 2

Atrofované Ruce
#NameAssistsGoals Tot.
0Martina Brabcová000
0Venuše Bůžková000
0Lucie Černíková000
0Vojtěch Denk000
0Lukáš Houška000
0Aneta Kaderová000
0Tomáš Knížek000
0Lukáš Kotrla000
0Václav Machek000
0Ivana Sartoriusová000
0Amélie Váchová000
0František Viták000
Sokol Křemže
0Jan Bartoš000
0Markéta Blažková000
0Eva Čerklová000
0Karel Hrubeš000
0Václav Jirovec000
0Anna Mašková000
0Antonín Mikeš000
0Vojtěch Mikeš000
0Věra Šimonová000
0Jan Thám000
0Matěj Thám000
0Eliška Zahradníková000
0Jakub Zeman000
0Vojtěch Zeman000
ScoresAssistGoalTimeDur.Game events
1 - 0Anonymous Point Anonymous Point 0.510.51
Offence 0.00
2 - 0Anonymous Point Anonymous Point 2.021.11
3 - 0Anonymous Point Anonymous Point 3.131.11
4 - 0Anonymous Point Anonymous Point 4.231.10
5 - 0Anonymous Point Anonymous Point 6.061.43
6 - 0Anonymous Point Anonymous Point 8.001.54
7 - 0Anonymous Point Anonymous Point 9.121.12
8 - 0Anonymous Point Anonymous Point 10.351.23
9 - 0Anonymous Point Anonymous Point 11.300.55
10 - 0Anonymous Point Anonymous Point 13.041.34
11 - 0Anonymous Point Anonymous Point 15.102.06
Time-out 13.24
12 - 0Anonymous Point Anonymous Point 16.161.06
12 - 1Anonymous Point Anonymous Point 17.191.03
13 - 1Anonymous Point Anonymous Point 19.202.01
14 - 1Anonymous Point Anonymous Point 20.190.59
14 - 2Anonymous Point Anonymous Point 21.180.59
15 - 2Anonymous Point Anonymous Point 22.070.49

Game statistics

Atrofované RuceSokol Křemže
Goals: 15 2
Time on offence: 3.41 min (16.7 %) 18.26 min (83.3 %)
Time on defence: 18.26 min (83.3 %) 3.41 min (16.7 %)
Time on offence/goal: 0.14 min 9.13 min
Time on defence/goal: 9.13 min 0.14 min
Goals from starting on offence: 3/3 (100.0 %) 2/14 (14.3 %)
Goals from starting on defence: 12/14 (85.7 %) 0/3 (0.0 %)
Breaks: 12 0
Time-outs: 0 1
Spirit points:1310

Spirit Points

Atrofované RuceSokol Křemže
Rules Knowledge and Use:22
Fouls and Body Contact:22
Positive Attitude and Self-Control:32
Spirit Comment:--

Game history
