Prague Devils B - Dream Team B    15 - 4

Prague Devils B
#NameAssistsGoals Tot.
0Olívie Čápová000
0František Fencl000
0Eva Fenclová000
0Vilém Gallus000
0Anna Hlavačková000
0Vojtěch Jelínek000
0Natálie Krieglerová000
0Pavel Mačák000
0Lukáš Marek000
0Johana Milnerová000
0Ondřej Srb000
0Pavel Urban000
0Linda Zralá000
Dream Team B
0Filip Čermák000
0Klára Grinerová000
0David Hruška000
0Ondřej Jelínek000
0Tereza Matějková000
0Ondřej Popovský000
0Tereza Purschová000
0Patrik Vácal000
0Libor Wagner000
0Anna Weberová000
0Lucie Zůnová000
ScoresAssistGoalTimeDur.Game events

Game statistics

Prague Devils BDream Team B
Goals: 0 0
Time on offence: 0.00 min (0.0 %) 0.00 min (0.0 %)
Time on defence: 0.00 min (0.0 %) 0.00 min (0.0 %)
Time on offence/goal: 0.00 min 0.00 min
Time on defence/goal: 0.00 min 0.00 min
Goals from starting on offence: 0/0 (0.0 %) 0/0 (0.0 %)
Goals from starting on defence: 0/0 (0.0 %) 0/0 (0.0 %)
Breaks: 0 0
Time-outs: 0 0
Spirit points:1110

Spirit Points

Prague Devils BDream Team B
Rules Knowledge and Use:22
Fouls and Body Contact:22
Positive Attitude and Self-Control:32
Spirit Comment:--

Game history
