MIX Kvali Jihozápad

TeamSeedingRankingGamesWinsLossesGoals forGoals againstGoals diffWin-%Spirit pointsSpirit/ Game
3SB A1.1660902862100.0%6911.50
Atrofované ruce A3.364273551866.7%6911.50
PeaceEgg B6.86062678-520.0%6911.50
3SB B4.46336169-850.0%6811.33
SK Sporting - Kachny Příbram5.66245659-333.3%6711.17
PeaceEgg A2.265180413983.3%6611.00
3SB C7.76152472-4816.7%6510.83
Atrofované ruce B8.56335664-850.0%6410.67
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Spirit points average per category

3SB A2.002.832.332.332.0011.50
Atrofované ruce A2.002.502.172.832.0011.50
PeaceEgg B2.002.172.332.832.1711.50
3SB B2.172.332.172.172.5011.33
SK Sporting - Kachny Příbram2.002.332.002.502.3311.17
PeaceEgg A2.002.672.002.332.0011.00
3SB C2.
Atrofované ruce B2.
Average of all games2.022.382.132.522.1511.19
  • 1 Rules Knowledge and Use
  • 2 Fouls and Body Contact
  • 3 Fair-Mindedness
  • 4 Positive Attitude and Self-Control
  • 5 Communication