WOMEN Kvali Morava + VČ

TeamSeedingRankingGamesWinsLossesGoals forGoals againstGoals diffWin-%Spirit pointsSpirit/ Game
BUFU (Brno Ultimate Frisbee Underground)3.343141281375.0%4110.25
Left Overs2.23213229366.7%3511.67
Rainbow Banana4.55234446-240.0%499.80
Východní blok A1.1330402020100.0%3311.00
Východní blok B6.64042944-150.0%4310.75
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Spirit points average per category

Left Overs2.
Východní blok A2.001.672.332.672.3311.00
Východní blok B2.
BUFU (Brno Ultimate Frisbee Underground)1.752.
Rainbow Banana2.001.602.
Average of all games1.932.
  • 1 Rules Knowledge and Use
  • 2 Fouls and Body Contact
  • 3 Fair-Mindedness
  • 4 Positive Attitude and Self-Control
  • 5 Communication